Plugin development: How to get value of image window channel/slice when user changes channel/slice?

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Plugin development: How to get value of image window channel/slice when user changes channel/slice?

Dear all,

I am developing a ImageJ (v1.51) plugin, which take some input data from an image file, filters it, and displays it in a output image window. The plugin uses a swing frame with some buttons to add more filters etc. The problem is that I want to have a text field in my swing frame which shows the value corresponding to which current channel/slice that is viewed/selected in the output image window. So basically, every time the user changes the channel/slice of the output image window, my swing frame should update which channel/slice is displayed/viewed. Since I am not handling the output image window with swing myself I don't know how to get an event listener attached to the output image window. Anyone got some pointers or ideas?


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Re: Plugin development: How to get value of image window channel/slice when user changes channel/slice?

Nicolas Chiaruttini
Hello Anders,

I don't know if there are better options, but I've done something like that using a Thread that updates at regular time intervals. The piece of code is attached (I rewrote a part of it, so there may be some bugs).



Nicolas Chiaruttini, PhD
Aurélien Roux lab,
Biochemistry Department
University of Geneva, Science II
30 quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0) 22 379 36 48<tel:%2B41%20%280%29%2022%20379%2036%2048>
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De : ImageJ Interest Group <[hidden email]> de la part de Anders Lunde <[hidden email]>
Envoyé : vendredi, 28 avril 2017 18:24:26
À : [hidden email]
Objet : Plugin development: How to get value of image window channel/slice when user changes channel/slice?

Dear all,

I am developing a ImageJ (v1.51) plugin, which take some input data from an image file, filters it, and displays it in a output image window. The plugin uses a swing frame with some buttons to add more filters etc. The problem is that I want to have a text field in my swing frame which shows the value corresponding to which current channel/slice that is viewed/selected in the output image window. So basically, every time the user changes the channel/slice of the output image window, my swing frame should update which channel/slice is displayed/viewed. Since I am not handling the output image window with swing myself I don't know how to get an event listener attached to the output image window. Anyone got some pointers or ideas?


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