Plugin to open Nikon .nd2 images in ImageJ

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Plugin to open Nikon .nd2 images in ImageJ

Dhiraj Bhatia

 I have acquired some images in Nikon A1r confocal microsope where the
images are .nd2
I am trying to open them in ImageJ but its not happening. I installed Nikon
to Image6D plugin as mentioned in website but still some the images are not

Thanks in advance to please suggest a plugin to open .nd2 images in imageJ


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Re: Plugin to open Nikon .nd2 images in ImageJ

Jacqueline Ross
Hi Dhiraj,

Have you tried installing the Bioformats plugin available here: You need the one called loci_tools.jar This is already installed in FIJI but you need to install it if using standard ImageJ.

If you check out the supported formats ( ), it does support .nd2 files and I have opened data from a widefield system which was .nd2.

Kind regards,


Jacqueline Ross
Biomedical Imaging Microscopist
Biomedical Imaging Research UnitĀ 
School of Medical SciencesĀ 
Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142, NEW ZEALAND

Tel: 64 9 923 7438
Fax: 64 9 373 7484

-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Dhiraj Bhatia
Sent: Monday, 17 February 2014 7:50 a.m.
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Plugin to open Nikon .nd2 images in ImageJ


 I have acquired some images in Nikon A1r confocal microsope where the images are .nd2 I am trying to open them in ImageJ but its not happening. I installed Nikon to Image6D plugin as mentioned in website but still some the images are not opening.

Thanks in advance to please suggest a plugin to open .nd2 images in imageJ


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