Dear Gerardo,
I recently got a similar message.
It turned out that it was the anti-virus software for our hospital email system which was flagging the message rather than the ImageJ system. I think is a link to the message from Michael Crammer on the ImageJ archive. It doesn't show any virus alert which suggest that you may be experiencing the same thing that I did.
I hope this is helpful.
Best - Don
-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Gerardo A. Mirkin
Sent: Friday, February 9, 2018 9:17 AM
[hidden email]
Subject: Possible virus in message sent by user?
Dear ImageJ list admins
On Feb 9, 2018, 10:41 I received an e-mail from Michael Cammer with subject:
Re: How to crop multiple selections in an image at a time.
The e-mail was filtered by Clamav as having a virus.
I would appreciate you confirm infection or false possitive in other systems (I'm on GNU/Linux Debian Buster/Sid version).
Thank you in advance. Regards,
Dr. Gerardo A. Mirkin
Profesor Adjunto Regular
Departamento de Microbiología,
Parasitología e Inmunología
Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Paraguay 2155, piso 13 sector M1
(1121) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel (5411) 5950-9500, ext. 2190
Fax (5411) 5950-9577
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