Hi Esteban,
does your for loop have nSlices in the terminating condition? Then it
may terminate because nSlices=1 for the image created by "Z
Project...", which becomes the foreground image.
For example, this runs only once:
for (i=1; i<=nSlices; i++) {
run("Z Project...", "start=1 stop=&i projection=[Average
// the output is foreground image, it has nSlices=1
This does the full loop:
originalID = getImageID();
for (i=1; i<=nSlices; i++) {
run("Z Project...", "start=1 stop=&i projection=[Average
On 10 Jan 2011, at 22:02, G. Esteban Fernandez wrote:
> Hi all,
> In a macro I have a "Z Project" command inside a FOR loop:
> for(){
> run("Z Project...", ...
> }
> However the FOR loop exits prematurely after running its code only
> once even
> though the exit condition has not been met. If I comment out the one
> "run(..." line the loop runs the expected number of times. Is it
> normal
> behavior for loop code to run only once if it contains a "run(..."
> statement? (this happens with WHILE too)
> Thanks,
> Esteban