Preventing RoiManager from requiring an image to be displayed

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Preventing RoiManager from requiring an image to be displayed

Adam Waite
Hi List,

I am trying to use imagej as a library in some image analysis programs I am writing (in Java).  Ideally, I would like to avoid ever showing an image and, for the most part, I can achieve this.  However, there is one step that I cannot figure out how to write without showing an image.

Here's what I need to do:
1) Threshold a 16-bit grayscale image. (Using setAutoThreshold).
2) Make a mask out of this threshold. (Using, "Convert to Mask","");)
3) Make a selection out of this mask.
4) Apply this selection to the original image.

To accomplish the transition between steps 3 and 4, I am using the following code:


 RoiManager rm = new RoiManager(false);, "Create Selection","");;

    Roi[] roi = rm.getRoisAsArray();
    ImageStatistics fg_stats = bs.getStatistics(ImageStatistics.MEDIAN);

The problem is that if I don't run "" the roi manager complains that "there are no images open" and aborts the run.

Is there a way to circumvent this?

Thanks in advance,


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