Dear Colleagues and ImageJ developers,
I noticed a problem that concerns gel analysis of
rather large western blots (in my case: 32 lanes,
of 600 dpi scanned x-ray films (tiff), images are
about 3 x 20 cm h x w). After the
Ctrl+{1,2,3}sequence, the lanes have been
selected and the density curves are displayed.
When scrolling down, at some point, the density
image reversibly changes to some "garbage" which
looks like more or less random data in RAM when displayed as graphics.
This appears on my notebook (Twinhead efio5000,
512M RAM, SIS630 chipset, Windows 2000
Professional and shared memory architecture (8M
or 32M reserved for graphics)). I happended to
find a workaround by changing the graphics
resolution at 1024 x 768 from true color to high color.
On a desktop pc in my lab (dedicated graphics
card, WIN XP prof) everything is ok in contrast.
Is there any other way to correct this
bug/feature besides changing the color depth?
Thanks in advance for your comments and best regards,
Wolfgang Schechinger, PhD
Endocrine & Diabetes Research Lab
Ruhr University Bochum
Dr. Wolfgang Schechinger
Stolze Straße 14
44789 Bochum
+49 (0) 234-324.1478 (Home)
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