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Problem loading Java3d on my office computer.

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Problem loading Java3d on my office computer.

Joel Sheffield
Apologies if this has been dealt with before...

There is a plugin in my version of ImageJ, called 3D Viewer that requires
the installation of Java 3D. I just downloaded the latest version from the
web site.  I  manually installed j3dcore.jar to Program Files\Java\lib\ext,
but  now I get this message

"Plugin or class not found  "ImageJ 3D-Viewer" when I attempt to run the

The file in the ImageJ>Plugins>3D directory is named "ImageJ_3D_Viewer.jar"

I am using Win 7.  ImageJ is installed in Users>jbs>imagej, and the Java
material is in C:/program files.

Do you know how I correct this?



Joel B. Sheffield, Ph.D
Department of Biology
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Voice: 215 204 8839
e-mail: [hidden email]
URL:  http://astro.temple.edu/~jbs
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Re: Problem loading Java3d on my office computer.


On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, JOEL B. SHEFFIELD wrote:

> There is a plugin in my version of ImageJ, called 3D Viewer that
> requires the installation of Java 3D. I just downloaded the latest
> version from the web site.  I manually installed j3dcore.jar to Program
> Files\Java\lib\ext,

You must not forget to install the corresponding j3dutils.jar and
vecmath.jar as well as the .dll files (which have to go to ...\Java\bin,

Basically, you need to do exactly the same that the (current) 3D Viewer
would do for you if it detects that Java 3D has not been installed.

Or for that matter, what has been done for you if you use Fiji (which
would also guarantee that your 3D Viewer stays up-to-date unless you
opt-out of the automatic updates).
