On Fri, 28 Aug 2009, Fabrice Senger wrote:
> Gelman, Laurent a écrit :
> > I was used to dragging and dropping my .zvi files into imageJ and, at
> > least with all the latest versions, never had any problem.
> >
> > Now, when I do the same with the very latest version of Fiji, either
> > the file do not open, or opens but after 5 minutes or more.
> on my installation, the drag and drop works fine with ImageJ, but on
> FIJI I have to go through "Plugins"..."LOCI"..."Import..."
We changed our HandleExtraFileTypes to use Bio-Formats rather than the ZVI
Reader on June 3rd, i.e. after our current version was released.
Unfortunately, our plugin manager is just not ready yet, and the "Update
Fiji" fails to pick up on the fact that we moved HandleExtraFileTypes into
So you'll have to "Help>Update Fiji" and remove
plugins/Input-Output/HandleExtraFileTypes.class manually for now.