Dear all,
I have a minor but really bothersome problem; if I have stacks of RGB
merges and try to adjust the channels by "color balance" it happens
frequently but not reproducibly that at some point moving one slider of
a color results in fast lowering the maximum to 0, irrelevant in which
direction I move the slider and for the current slide irreversibly
(reload of the stack required). This happens not just to me but to all
of my colleagues. We're using stacks of RGB-merges of different pictures
to count cell species via cell counter (the problem appears in normal
stacks as well as in the initialized "Counter Windows"). It's a little
bit annoying, to have this issue every second to fifth stack if you have
to evaluate a lot of different strains and experiments.
Thank you for your help and time and of course this great piece of software,
Christian Renicke, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Student
University of Marburg - Department of Biology
Group of Prof. Dr. H.U. Mösch - Junior Group of Dr. C. Taxis
Karl-von-Frisch Str. 8
D-35043 Marburg
Phone: +49 6421 / 2823246
[hidden email]
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