Hello again,
(I was going to ask this in my previous email, but I think it's better to keep different questions in different threads)
I need to measure a RGB image to get it's mean intensity and some other info before processing it. How can I perform the "Measure RGB" command programmatically? I don't want my plugin to show any other window each time I try to measure my images.
In fact, I'd like how to run much of the commands that show additional windows without showing anything.
Juanjo Vega (
[hidden email])
Unidad de Biocomputación. Laboratorio B-13.
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. CNB-CSIC.
C\ Darwin, 3. Campus de Cantoblanco.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
28049, Madrid, Spain.
http://www.cnb.csic.eshttp://www.biocomp.cnb.csic.es+34 91 585 4510
"Las mejores almas son capaces de los mayores vicios como de las mayores
virtudes, y aquellos que caminan despacio por el camino recto pueden
llegar más lejos que los que corren pero se apartan de él." - Discurso
del Método, René Descartes.