Quantifying Color: Creating a LUT of Unique RGB/HSB Values

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Quantifying Color: Creating a LUT of Unique RGB/HSB Values

I'm a seabird biologist studying patterns and impacts of plastic ingestion in Hawaiian seabirds. I'm currently in graduate school working on my thesis.

Part of my work entails describing plastics (size, shape, and color) recovered from the stomachs of opportunistically collected seabird specimens from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

I've been flushing out the methods for the above. For size and shape I've pieced together macros that fully automate my process in ImageJ/Fiji. Quantifying color of my plastic pieces is where I've run into some issues. I've been able to automate about 60% of my process for quantifying color, but I would like to capture that last 40%. I've outlined my process for quantifying color below:

1) create Masks when running Analyze Particles

2) Create Selection using Masks

3) Restore Selection from Masks onto original image

4) Average Color (for within selected plastic pieces)

5) Run Color Inspector 3D plugin with original image / averaged color

6) With the Color Inspector 3D plugin I create an RGB LUT for the image / selection; because color was averaged, there is only as many RGB values as there are plastic pieces (assuming the probability of duplicate colors is extremely low)

Here is where I run into a problem, the Color Inspector 3D plugin only generates a LUT for the RGB color space. I am primarily interested in describing color within the HSB/HSV color space, but without a LUT I have to hover the cursor over each plastic piece and write down the HSB/HSV values. Having to write down the HSB/HSV values takes FOREVER. I know there are algorithms to go between the RGB and HSB/HSV color space, but I would like to see if I can keep all operations in ImageJ/Fiji. So my questions are as follows:

1) Can the Color Inspector 3D plugin be adapted to provide a LUT for not only the RGB color space but also the HSB/HSV color space (and other color spaces if possible)?

2) I can't automate my process with macros using the Color Inspector 3D plugin (at least I haven't figured it out). Is there an alternative function that can give me a LUT of my RGB values (like the Color Inspector 3D plugin does)? What about HSB/HSV?

Thank you,
