2012/9/29 succinator <
[hidden email]>:
> Hello, everyone. This is Steven. Right now I am working on quantification of
> axon in mice model. I am trying to figure out an efficient way to quantify
> my samples. I tried
> 1st:using threshold(black and white), in this step some of the axon detail
> was lost, some area is either too white or black, how could I avoid this, is
> there a way to locally treating the contrast
> 2nd:using nucleus count, this step was not really efficient, I am still
> trying to improve the count as it counts much less than what is out there
> This is basically what I have done, I am willing to listen to any
> suggestions or other methods to quantify. Thanks, and I attached one of the
> image that I took to give an example to what I am working on.
http://postimage.org/image/z5jronpy9/> <
You could first normalize the image with CLAHE.
Then you could do the object detection by using Plugins - Segmentation
- Trainable Segmentation (it's like a fancy threshold). After
obtaining the mask, run the Particle Analyzer on it to count elements.
Both plugins are pre-installed in Fiji (
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