I am coding a standalone java application using the imagej jar file with only the API to work from as I can't find any guides on this. So my question is pretty straight forward.
How on earth do you select a region of interest on an image canvas?
At the moment I have created a subclass of ImageCanvas and a subclass of ROI which is a field on the ImageCanvas. The code is as below as I thought all I needed to do was pass the mouse events to ROI but nothing is happening. Any help would be much appreciated.
public class TheImageCanvas extends ij.gui.ImageCanvas
TheRoi myRoi;
public TheImageCanvas(ImagePlus imp)
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
myRoi = new TheRoi(e.getX(),e.getY(),this.imp );
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
public class TheRoi extends ij.gui.Roi
public TheRoi(int sx, int sy, ImagePlus imp)
public void handleMousePressed(MouseEvent e)
super.handleMouseDown(e.getX(), e.getY);
public void handleMouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
super.handleMouseUp(e.getX(), e.getY);
public void handleMouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
super.handleMouseDrag(e.getXOnScreen(), e.getYOnScreen(), e.MOUSE_DRAGGED);