ROI scaling function or macro help

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ROI scaling function or macro help

Avi Leftin

I am trying to write a macro that scales a freehand ROI in place multiple times on an image.

I would like to use a command such as the following:

run("Scale... ", "x=0.80 y=0.80 centered");

However, in my macro I want to be able to input double/numeric values for the x and y scale factors, while leaving the center position fixed in order to use a loop.

I found the following code snippet online that allows numeric scale factors for ROI:

function scaleROI(factor) {
        type = selectionType();
        getSelectionCoordinates(x, y);
        for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
                x[i] = x[i] * factor;
                y[i] = y[i] * factor;
   makeSelection(type, x, y);

This does work but does not have a variable specifying the ROI center.  Therefore, the ROI is scaled, but shifted because the center coordinates are also transformed.  

Any suggestions?

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Re: ROI scaling function or macro help

Michael Schmid
Hi Avi,

as far as I can see, the built-in command Edit>Selections>Scale uses floating-point coordinates, so I don't understand the need of reimplementing it as a macro. The macro will be also less versatile than the built-in command since some selection types cannot be represented as a polygon.

Anyhow, it depends on what you define as center of the roi.
It's easy when assuming the center of the bounding box (as far as I understand, the built-in command also does this)

  getSelectionBounds(x, y, width, height);
  xmid = x + width/2;
  ymid = y + height/2;

and then

    x[i] = xmid + (x[i]-xmid) * factor;
    y[i] = ymid + (y[i]-ymid) * factor;

On Mar 20, 2015, at 15:51, Avi Leftin wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to write a macro that scales a freehand ROI in place multiple times on an image.
> I would like to use a command such as the following:
> run("Scale... ", "x=0.80 y=0.80 centered");
> However, in my macro I want to be able to input double/numeric values for the x and y scale factors, while leaving the center position fixed in order to use a loop.
> I found the following code snippet online that allows numeric scale factors for ROI:
> function scaleROI(factor) {
>        type = selectionType();
>        getSelectionCoordinates(x, y);
>        for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
>                x[i] = x[i] * factor;
>                y[i] = y[i] * factor;
>        }
>   makeSelection(type, x, y);
> }
> This does work but does not have a variable specifying the ROI center.  Therefore, the ROI is scaled, but shifted because the center coordinates are also transformed.  
> Any suggestions?

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