Dear colleagues
I have downloaded a microCT image (2D thin sections) that says size
1000x1000x1000 in raw format. I follow the specifications that was said,
16-bitUnsigned, little-endian byte order and import the raw image. However,
when the image appears, ImageJ heading states 1/500, 1000x1000 pixels,
16-bit, 954MB and shows 4 images of the same size 500x500 in each frame. I
was expecting to see just a single image per frame with 1/1000, 1000x1000
pixels, etc.
Am I missing something? How can I have the sequence of 1000 images with
1000x1000 pixels each?
Thanks for any help.
Waldir Leite Roque
Professor Titular, PhD
LaMEP - Laboratório de Modelagem em Engenharia de Petróleo
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
58051-900 João Pessoa, PB - Brasil
[hidden email]
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