You could also try downloading the MRIanalysisPak and using the 'Image overlay' there.
F Javier Diez Guerra <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Have you tried the "RGB Gray Merge" plugin?
At 02:08 08/06/2007, you wrote:
>When I am adding two images using ImageJ, one grayscale image (reference)
>and another image pseudocolored green, the resultant image is entirely
>green, i.e. the objects in the grayscale image are also colored to green. I
>have tried pseudocoloring the reference image to blue but to no effect. Is
>there a way to fuse Images iin ImageJ like a plugin that will overcome this
>problem. The function that I was using was Process>Image Calculator>Add.
>Abhishek Sengupta
F Javier Diez-Guerra, PhD
Profesor Titular
Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma
Ctra Colmenar Viejo Km 15
Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid
phone: +34 91 4978051
Fax: +34 91 4978087
[hidden email]
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