Re: IMAGEJ Digest - 1 Feb 2018 to 2 Feb 2018 (#2018-35)

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Re: IMAGEJ Digest - 1 Feb 2018 to 2 Feb 2018 (#2018-35)

Ronald Michaels
Hi -

Check this link:

Matlab is based on Fortran.  Java is based on C.

Row major vs col major.

Fortran numbers from 1 to n.  C numbers from 0 to n-1.

Best wishes


Ronald Michaels, PhD
Technical Director
Phenotype Screening Corporation
865 235 5854

On 02/03/2018 12:00 AM, IMAGEJ automatic digest system wrote:

> There are 2 messages totaling 71 lines in this issue.
> Topics of the day:
>    1. Problem with ImageJ and Matlab image analysis (2)
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date:    Fri, 2 Feb 2018 18:27:53 -0500
> From:    Abdulelah Aldahlawi <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Problem with ImageJ and Matlab image analysis
> Hi,
> I'm working on my research and I require to do some gray value measurements
> for some of the images.
> I import the same images in ImageJ and Matlab and did the measurement for
> the exact same image with exact same coordinate (x, y, z) for a specific
> pixel but the reading in both of softwares were different. I tried it for a
> couple of points (pixels) in different coordinates but had the same issue.
> Can anyone explain why and help me fixing that problem?
> Thank you.
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Sat, 3 Feb 2018 00:42:02 +0000
> From:    Alex <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: Problem with ImageJ and Matlab image analysis
> Can you give an example of the values from both imageJ and MATLAB?  They may just be normalized differently.
> Alex
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
> On Friday, February 2, 2018, 3:38 PM, Abdulelah Aldahlawi <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on my research and I require to do some gray value measurements
> for some of the images.
> I import the same images in ImageJ and Matlab and did the measurement for
> the exact same image with exact same coordinate (x, y, z) for a specific
> pixel but the reading in both of softwares were different. I tried it for a
> couple of points (pixels) in different coordinates but had the same issue.
> Can anyone explain why and help me fixing that problem?
> Thank you.
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:
> ------------------------------
> End of IMAGEJ Digest - 1 Feb 2018 to 2 Feb 2018 (#2018-35)
> **********************************************************

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Re: IMAGEJ Digest - 1 Feb 2018 to 2 Feb 2018 (#2018-35)

Kenneth Sloan-2
Not to mention possible confusion about where 0,0 is and what DIRECTIONS the axes run.

Cheer up - there are only 8 variations - but some are much more common than others.

Your best bet may be to use either Matlab or ImageJ to generate a small but distinctive image.

Then, read and display the image using both systems - compare.

The most extreme test you can do is to read the image into each system and write out the pixel coordinates and values in a report something like:

(0,0) = 12
(0,1) = 27.

Do this in each environment with a SMALL, but DISTINCTIVE image, and all will become clear.

Kenneth Sloan
[hidden email]
Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.

> On 3 Feb 2018, at 18:04 , Ronald Michaels <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi -
> Check this link:
> Matlab is based on Fortran.  Java is based on C.
> Row major vs col major.
> Fortran numbers from 1 to n.  C numbers from 0 to n-1.
> Best wishes
> Ron
> --
> Ronald Michaels, PhD
> Technical Director
> Phenotype Screening Corporation
> 865 235 5854
> On 02/03/2018 12:00 AM, IMAGEJ automatic digest system wrote:
>> There are 2 messages totaling 71 lines in this issue.
>> Topics of the day:
>>   1. Problem with ImageJ and Matlab image analysis (2)
>> --
>> ImageJ mailing list:
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Date:    Fri, 2 Feb 2018 18:27:53 -0500
>> From:    Abdulelah Aldahlawi <[hidden email]>
>> Subject: Problem with ImageJ and Matlab image analysis
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on my research and I require to do some gray value measurements
>> for some of the images.
>> I import the same images in ImageJ and Matlab and did the measurement for
>> the exact same image with exact same coordinate (x, y, z) for a specific
>> pixel but the reading in both of softwares were different. I tried it for a
>> couple of points (pixels) in different coordinates but had the same issue.
>> Can anyone explain why and help me fixing that problem?
>> Thank you.
>> --
>> ImageJ mailing list:
>> ------------------------------
>> Date:    Sat, 3 Feb 2018 00:42:02 +0000
>> From:    Alex <[hidden email]>
>> Subject: Re: Problem with ImageJ and Matlab image analysis
>> Can you give an example of the values from both imageJ and MATLAB?  They may just be normalized differently.
>> Alex
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
>> On Friday, February 2, 2018, 3:38 PM, Abdulelah Aldahlawi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on my research and I require to do some gray value measurements
>> for some of the images.
>> I import the same images in ImageJ and Matlab and did the measurement for
>> the exact same image with exact same coordinate (x, y, z) for a specific
>> pixel but the reading in both of softwares were different. I tried it for a
>> couple of points (pixels) in different coordinates but had the same issue.
>> Can anyone explain why and help me fixing that problem?
>> Thank you.
>> --
>> ImageJ mailing list:
>> --
>> ImageJ mailing list:
>> ------------------------------
>> End of IMAGEJ Digest - 1 Feb 2018 to 2 Feb 2018 (#2018-35)
>> **********************************************************
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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