>> Hi,
>> I just recognized the new macro commands Overlay.* which allow a much fast overlay drawing than the "old" makeLine-Add Selection scheme. But what I missed, is the possibility to fill a region like makePolygon-Add Selection, fill…, which is really slow. Is there a similar possibility with the new commands?
> Use batch mode. The following test macro runs 300 times faster in batch mode.
> start = getTime;
> setBatchMode(true);
> newImage("Untitled", "RGB Black", 512, 512, 1);
> n = 500;
> for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
> showProgress(i, n);
> makePolygon(52,73,103,41,158,62,142,111,68,128);
> run("Add Selection...", "fill=#77ff0000");
> }
> setBatchMode(false);
> print((getTime-start)/1000+" seconds");
> -wayne
Okay, as I understand this works faster beacuse/if the image isn't shown during processing.
The problem is, my images are opened manually and then the appropriate macros are started. So in the beginning the image is displayed and when I start the macro under this condition the batch mode has no effect anymore.
Perhaps I will find a way to open the image from the macro, which is not an technical issue but a handling problem.
Thank you,