Re: Olympus .vsi file format?

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Re: Olympus .vsi file format?

Luis Ibanez
Hi Melissa,

I'm wondering if it is now possible to read .vsi files using bioformats.

I have a .vsi file and an accompanying file called "frame_t_0.ets"

They have sizes:

.ets = 178Mb
.vsi = 890 Kb

The .vsi file opens as a .TIFF file in bfview, but only contains a low
resolution version of the actual image, that seems to be stored
in the .ets file.

I will appreciate your advice,


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Re: Olympus .vsi file format?

Melissa Linkert-2
Hi Luis,

Bio-Formats does not yet support CellSens .vsi data, but there are plans
to support it in the near future (< 4 months).  Please see this ticket
on our issue tracking system for more information:

If you (or anyone else) would like to be automatically notified of updates to
.vsi support, please let me know and I will happily CC you on that ticket.

Note, however, that we currently have just one .vsi dataset.  While we
can add support based on one dataset, it will not be very well tested,
and so some features of the format may be incorrectly implemented.  If
possible, it would be very helpful if you could send one or more of your
complete .vsi datasets.  I have sent you the Bio-Formats SFTP server information privately in case you are interested in sending data.


On Sat, Dec 04, 2010 at 02:46:54PM -0500, Luis Ibanez wrote:

> Hi Melissa,
> I'm wondering if it is now possible to read .vsi files using bioformats.
> I have a .vsi file and an accompanying file called "frame_t_0.ets"
> They have sizes:
> .ets = 178Mb
> .vsi = 890 Kb
> The .vsi file opens as a .TIFF file in bfview, but only contains a low
> resolution version of the actual image, that seems to be stored
> in the .ets file.
> I will appreciate your advice,
>      Thanks
>           Luis