Re: Plugins>Edit... -> linux drag and drop

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Re: Plugins>Edit... -> linux drag and drop

John Alexander-7
I have similar problems - and always have with ImageJ.

I notice that when I drag an image file onto the imageJ task
bar it oscillates between the "can't drop" icon and the "ok
to drop" ok (can't think of any other way of saying it).  
But it is oscillating so very fast it just seems to be

Strangely, when draggin a folder or something, that seems to
always be fine.
John Alexander, Ph.D.
Post-doctoral Fellow
William Green Lab
University of Chicago
947 E. 58th St.
Abott Hall 402
Chicago, IL 60637
off: (773) 702-9386
fax: (773) 702-3774
[hidden email]