Is this open/saving ith a file or is it at the system level. I.e. is the
table being stored internaly?
On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Wayne Rasband <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> > I would like to be able to write programs that would input
> > results tables and output new results tables. I can do this
> > now as long as the table I input is an open system results
> > table. But, the new table doesn't seem to be "inputable" by
> > a subsequent Plugin unless I first export it then import it
> > back into ImageJ. This is clumsy. Is there anyway to
> > directly input an open results table into a plugin if it is
> > not the system table?
> You can do this with the Image 1.43m daily build, which adds open() and
> saveAs() methods to the ResultsTable class. Here is a JavaScript example
> that demonstrates how to use these new methods:
> if (IJ.getVersion()<"1.43m")
> IJ.error("Requires v1.43m or later");
> if (Analyzer.getCounter()==0)
> IJ.error("Results table is empty");
> rt = Analyzer.getResultsTable();
> rt.saveAs("");
> rt = ResultsTable.open("");
> rt.show("My Results Table");
> -wayne