> On Dec 17, 2018, at 9:51 AM, Philippe CARL <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> When creating a ROI (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle or oval selections) it is
> possible to change the position of the created ROI by using the arrow_keys
> as well as its size with Alt + arrow_keys.
> And in this case, the position as well as the size of the ROI gets correctly
> updated within the ImageJ Status_Bar.
> Similarly, if I create an Arrow_Tool, the created arrow position / size can
> as well be modified using the arrow_keys / Alt + arrow_keys.
> But the data within the Status_Bar are only updated when the arrow is
> displaced (and not when its size is modified).
This bug is fixed in the latest ImageJ daily build (1.52j41).
> Also is there a reason why it isn’t possible to change the size of a
> Rotaded_Rectangle as well as a Elliptical_selections ROI by using the Alt +
> arrow_keys?
You can use the alt + the arrow keys to change the size of rotated rectangle and elliptical selections in the daily build. Enable the rotated rectangle tool by right clicking on the rectangle tool and enable the elliptical tool by right clicking on the oval tool.
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