Re: ZVI Reader: Could not find header information in ImageJ

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Re: ZVI Reader: Could not find header information in ImageJ

Michel Boudinot
On Fri, 28 Jul 2006 16:31:25 -0400, Liu, Dongfang (NIH/NIAID) [F] <[hidden email]>

>Dear ALL,
>Image J couldn't open my times-series images. From Log window, it
>displayed "ZVI Reader: Could not find header information.". what' s
>going wrong?

zvi image files have complex structures to describe image data and corresponding meta-data and
ZVI_Reader provided by Curtis Rueden uses very simple decoding strategy using magic byte
sequences to get header informations. It appears that for some Zeiss AxioVision zvi files this
decoding strategy fails. I have modified ZVI_Reader code to handle our zvi files (AxioVision 4.5).
We are not using times-series yet but if you send me one of your zvi files, I can test and adapt my
code if possible. I will submit my fix to Wayne Rasband for posting on the ImageJ plugins site.

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Re: ZVI Reader: Could not find header information in ImageJ


There was a problem for a while with Thumbs.db files on Windows being
erroneously identified as ZVIs by HandleExtraFileTypes (maybe because
Thumbs.db might be a Microsoft OLE document of some sort just like ZVI, I'm
not sure). If your files are Openlab FV1000 OIBs or ImagePro IPWs, those are
also OLE-based and might be erroneously identified as ZVI (I haven't tested
it). If your file is ZVI, I would suggest giving Bio-Formats ( a try.

We have recently been putting a lot of effort into bugfixes and improvements
in Bio-Formats (including ZVI, OIB and IPW) but are not yet ready for
another official release. But if you are feeling adventurous, you could try
out the latest developer version of Bio-Formats from: (put in
ImageJ/jre/lib/ext) (put in
The plugin appears in the Plugins menu under LOCI -> "Bio-Formats Importer."

I would be very interested to hear from anyone whose data does not read in


On 8/22/06, Michel Boudinot <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Jul 2006 16:31:25 -0400, Liu, Dongfang (NIH/NIAID) [F] <
> [hidden email]>
> wrote:
> >Dear ALL,
> >
> >Image J couldn't open my times-series images. From Log window, it
> >displayed "ZVI Reader: Could not find header information.". what' s
> >going wrong?
> >===========================================================
> ==============
> zvi image files have complex structures to describe image data and
> corresponding meta-data and
> ZVI_Reader provided by Curtis Rueden uses very simple decoding strategy
> using magic byte
> sequences to get header informations. It appears that for some Zeiss
> AxioVision zvi files this
> decoding strategy fails. I have modified ZVI_Reader code to handle our zvi
> files (AxioVision 4.5).
> We are not using times-series yet but if you send me one of your zvi
> files, I can test and adapt my
> code if possible. I will submit my fix to Wayne Rasband for posting on the
> ImageJ plugins site.
> Michel.