Re: help with calculating and correcting for image distortion / morphing

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Re: help with calculating and correcting for image distortion / morphing

  Hi All,

  I have a probably that I'm sure has been tackled before, and I'm
looking for input on reasonable ways to approach it.

I am imaging neurons. Over the course of an hour or so they have a habit
of shifting, or the underlying glia do perhaps. This result is that
regions of interest that I identify at the begining of an experiment
often have moved by the end of the experiment. My hope is two be able to
calculate the change in position/shape of the various axons that I am
imaging, in the hopes of applying a transform to my ROIs as the
experiment progresses to follow the movement of the axons.

I have considered:
1. trying to track the displacement of the feature of each ROI, and
2. Using the background / autofluorescence of the cells as landmarks to
calculate how the entire image is distorted / morphed over time. Then
apply this transform to my ROIs.

I hope that rings a bell with someone.

Many thanks,
Damon Poburko