Re: projected area meaurements

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Re: projected area meaurements

Nirendra Mustafi
Dear User-group,

Many thanks for your help, Christopher. One more thing I need to
determine. As I previously described, the images of single particles are
composed of hundreds of primary spherical particles and it is clearly
distinguishable in a higher magnified image. Now I need to measure the
diameter of the primary particles out of the single large particle
(which has a very irregular shape). The primary particle is a randomly
selected one among the hundreds. Is there any direct way to measure it?
If I draw a circle to fit any parimary particle manually, would it then
be possible to read out the value of either the area or the diameter of
the drawn circle?

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestion
Nirendra Nath Mustafi
Thermodynamics Lab.
Mechanical Engineering Department
The University of Auckland
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