Dear List,
I am trying to make plots on the fly of ROIs in time lapses, and so far
have been using
image->stacks->plot z-axis profile
I find, however, that there are some serious shortcomings, such as:
-How to scale the axes quickly (autoscale is nice but really fails when
there's one outlier data point). I know that one can change this to set
values in edit->options->profile plot options, but this can be quite
cumbersome when one wants to find the right scale (one has to keep going
back through the pull-downs). Also to my knowledge there is no way to limit
the x-axis to selected frames, which would be really nice.
-It would be really nice to be able to plot multiple ROIs simultaneously,
perhaps in multiple different colors.
-It would also be nice to know how to designate the units on the x-axis,
since the plotter seems to pick something from the metadata, but it is
unclear to me how these are selected. It seems that the default units may
have changed in going from IJ1 to IJ2, since formerly all of my plots were
using frame number as the x-units, but now are using [sec] or [um] (not
sure why).
Are these changes possible? Seems like an improved on-the-fly plotting
function would be really helpful--is there possibly a plugin around that
does this, suped-up plotting?
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