Registration of two images using Name Landmarks and Registe

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Registration of two images using Name Landmarks and Registe

Ewing James
I’m trying to warp a histology slide to an MRI slide (rat brain).  I’m trying to use the Plugins>Landmarks>Name Landmarks and Register tool.  I’ve marked sagittal sinus, centerline, lateral extent, etc. When I press the Spline Fit button,  I’m getting a result that I don’t understand, which is just all 0’s, with the notation (33%) at the top of the result image. I’m using the MRI file as the template.  Can someone tell me what is going wrong?

The list serve won’t let me attach the files.  Is there a way to get around this?

- Jim Ewing
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Re: Registration of two images using Name Landmarks and Registe

Saalfeld, Stephan
Hi Jim,

Please have a look at the simple plugin

or TrakEM2

TrakEM2 incorporates the above and more, including an interactive
deformable registration mode that you can use to manually deform the
slices in overlay until satisfied (Shift+T).


On Mon, 2017-10-16 at 12:08 -0400, Ewing James wrote:

> I’m trying to warp a histology slide to an MRI slide (rat
> brain).  I’m trying to use the Plugins>Landmarks>Name Landmarks and
> Register tool.  I’ve marked sagittal sinus, centerline, lateral
> extent, etc. When I press the Spline Fit button,  I’m getting a
> result that I don’t understand, which is just all 0’s, with the
> notation (33%) at the top of the result image. I’m using the MRI file
> as the template.  Can someone tell me what is going wrong?
> The list serve won’t let me attach the files.  Is there a way to get
> around this?
> - Jim Ewing
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:
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