Dear All,
Today we are releasing Bio-Formats 5.2.1, a bug-fix release.
Improvements include fixes for two formats:
* Zeiss CZI
* fixed NumberFormatException when the position object is not null but the values of child are null
* SimplePCI
* made IniParser less stringent to allow reading of imperfectly formatted TIFF description headers
Other improvements:
* fixed stitching of file patterns in ImageJ to remove duplication of directory names in the file path
* added an option to bfconvert to allow creation of OME-TIFF without lookup tables
* addition of MetadataOnly elements containing no BinData or TiffData now handled via MetadataTools API in ImageInfo
* example code in developer docs is now tested via a new Maven module
Full details can be found at software is available at: available for Fiji users from the Java-8 update site.
Any problems or comments, please use the OME Forums or mailing lists:,
The OME Team
Dr Helen Flynn
OME Technical Writer
Centre for Gene Regulation & Expression
Open Microscopy Environment
University of Dundee<>
The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
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