Dear All,
Today we are releasing Bio-Formats 5.2.3, a bug-fix release.
Improvements include fixes for three formats:
* CZI - fixed imageCount for RGB images
* ICS writing - fixed ordering of image dimensions
* DeltaVision - fixed reading of large time dimensions
Other improvements:
* Command-line tools - now includes the version history as NEWS.rst (thanks to Gerhard Burger)
Code clean-up:
* switched to String.indexOf(int) in GPL-licensed reader code so that a simpler library method can be used strings now extended with characters where possible
* completed deprecation of DataTools.sanitizeDouble()
* deprecated unused OSGi and ome-tools bundle build targets
* documented versioning policy
* clarified supported versions for Micro-Manager and Olympus ScanR files
OME-XML changes:
* bumped schema version number to 2 (schema namespace left unchanged)
* added acquisition modes BrightField, SweptFieldConfocal and SPIM
* added parsing for Laser Scan Confocal and Swept Field Confocal
Full details can be found at software is available at: will shortly be available from the Java-8 update site for Fiji users.
Any problems or comments, please use the OME Forums or mailing lists:,
The OME Team
Dr Helen Flynn
OME Technical Writer
Centre for Gene Regulation & Expression
Open Microscopy Environment
University of Dundee<>
The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
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