Dear all,
Today we are releasing Bio-Formats 5.7.1 which includes the following changes:
File format fixes and improvements:
* Nikon NIS-Elements ND2
* improved parsing of Z position values
* LaVision Imspector
* corrected the value of time per FLIM channel
* fixed a bug which saw the Z and T dimensions swapped
* fixed a divide by zero exception
* added a fix for incorrect time-base and number of channels
* added support for handling files with a FillOrder of 2 in which the bits in each byte are reversed
* improved support for multi-channel ImageJ TIFF files greater than 4GB in size
Performance improvements:
* improved TIFF performance by using non-regexp String replacement (thanks to Thushara Wijeratna *)
* improved TIFF handling of Strings for large metadata (thanks to T. Alexander Popiel *)
* Allen Institute for Cell Science
Documentation improvements:
* updated documentation to reference support for ImageJ TIFFs
* added links to format options page to user and developer index pages
Full details can be found at software is available at: will shortly be available from the Java-8 update site for Fiji users.
Any problems or comments, please use the OME Forums or mailing lists:,
The OME Team
The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
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