Release of Bio-Formats 5.9.1

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Release of Bio-Formats 5.9.1

Sebastien Besson (Staff)
Dear all,

Today we are releasing Bio-Formats 5.9.1 which included the following changes:

File format fixes and improvements:

* Olympus OIR
    * fixed a bug to prevent incorrect file from being read when multiple datasets are in the same location
   * updated parsing of metadata values for image pixel size, working distance, filament, EHT and date (thanks to David Mankus)
* DeltaVision
   * reader can now detect up to 12 channels
* Micro-Manager
   * now logs a warning when an image is acquired with an unsupported version

Documentation improvements:

* added QuPath to the list of visualization and analysis applications
* updated the link to the i3dcore library
* updated the link to Slidebook
* improved MATLAB documentation with information on Java heap memory preferences (thanks to Kouichi C. Nakamura)
* corrected a number of permanently redirected URLs in the component and format pages

Full details can be found at

The software is available at:
and will shortly be available from the Java-8 update site for Fiji users.

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