You could probably do this more simply with a short macro, but I think the
sequence below might do what you want.
1. Process>Find Maxima...>
The Find Maxima has a few different output types, but I'm going to assume
you used "Single points" to get your mask.
2. Make sure the mask is selected.
3. Edit>Selection>Create Selection
4. Select the original image.
5. Edit>Selection>Restore Selection
6. Edit>Clear Outside
On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 5:10 AM, peppetin <
[hidden email]>
> Hello everyone,
> I have performed a " Find Maxima " and a mask with all the points founded
> has been displayed .
> Can you tell me , if you know , I could remove these selected points from
> my
> image ?
> Thank you in advance guys.
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