Renal tubules

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Renal tubules

Василий Попков
Greeting everyone
I've faced quite a difficult to autotomize task.
There are 2 attached images:big one and a little part of this big. I need
to calculate on each image (big) number of this little round objects (renal
tubule) and the ratio between inside high fluorescence ring (limbus
striatus) and outside one (basal membrane). I suspect in area, but maybe
fluorescnce will do...
You can see, that this task can easily be done manually for each tubule.
But, when you are faced with statistics: 20-60 big images * 30-50 tubules
on each... It becomes very laborious work... And quite subjective too.
If anyone have any ideas what I can do to ease work, its would be great.

Thank you,

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