Off the top of my head...something like:
nRoi = roiManager("Count");
for(i = 0; i < nRoi; i++)
setResult("Region", i, your_custom_region_array[i])
Here are all the functions available: is a link to more resources including a macro tutorial:
alvin88j wrote
Hi all,
I'm a beginner at coding imageJ. I have a pic, which I divided the region of interest (square). I have 1000 pics in the folder and would like to have a macro that can Measure each region of interest (ex. region 1, 2, 3) on each files.
I also would like to add a column on the results table showing which region that values are from and which file name that they analyzed for example
Filename Region Area Mean % Area, etc
row1dorsalright.tiff 1