Research Assistant – Biochemistry & Analytical Chemistry

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Research Assistant – Biochemistry & Analytical Chemistry

Alerding, Anne B.
Research Assistant – Biochemistry & Analytical Chemistry

Eleven month research position starting August 1, 2017 to measure cell wall biomolecules in soybean stems. Are you interested in pursuing graduate school but are still sorting out which field to enter? Or, would like to work for a biotechnology or pharmaceutical company? This position will train you to become skilled in analytical chemistry procedures using ultra-performance liquid chromatography, spectroscopy, accelerated solvent extraction, statistical analysis, and many common procedures used in biochemistry and biology laboratories. Past Research Assistants who worked in this lab went on to graduate school (soybean breeding, molecular genetics) and to a position as a Research Technologist (cancer research, molecular biology). Please send a copy of your resume, unofficial transcript, and a short explanation of what skills you bring, why this position is appealing to you, and your career goals to Dr. Anne Alerding [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>. This position is funded by the Virginia Soybean Board, Grant Title: “Identifying stem tissues that improve seed yield by decreasing pod abortions in Virginia soybeans,” and comes with a salary equivalent of $30,000 per year.

For more information about an additional (quantitative image analysis) portion of this project, which will be combined with the chemistry results, please see page 3:

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