On Apr 15, 2009, at 5:02 PM, Nico Stuurman wrote:
> I am trying to do a Reslice on a Hyperstack that has 2 channels, 5 z
> sections and 102 time points. I would expect the result of the
> Reslice to be a Hyperstack that has 2 channels and 102 time points (in
> reality, I would also be very happy with an RGB stack with 102 time
> points). The current Image->Stacks->Reslice command yields a single
> image that seems to contains a reslice of all time points.
The Image>Stacks>Reslice command has not yet been updated to support
hyperstacks, but this is something I plan to do. In the meantime, it
will display an error message saying it currently does not work with
> Is anyone aware of a tool that can accomplish the desired Reslice?
> Also I noted that the "Convert to RGB" command (behind the "More"
> button in the Hyperstack Channels dialog) converts the XYCZT
> Hyperstack into a RGB XYT stack (at a single z plane). I expected it
> to be converted into a XYZT RGB Hyperstack.
This is fixed in the latest daily build. With an XYCZT hyperstack, you
are now given options to create an XYZT RGB hyperstack, an XYT RGB
stack, an XYZ RGB stack or a single RGB image. Besides the "Channels"
tool's More>>Convert to RGB command, you can also use the
Image>Type>RGB command or the Image>Color>Stack to RGB command.