Result window is not displayed properly when there is only one result column

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Result window is not displayed properly when there is only one result column

Stein Rørvik
There is a small issue with the result window display.
The Result window is not displayed properly when there is only one result column.
The header is truncated and there is no column separator at the right of the column so the column cannot be resized.
This issue only occurs when row numbers are not shown.
It also does not occur when there are multiple columns without row numbers.

Demo macro:

run("Clear Results");
setOption("ShowRowNumbers", false);
setResult("MyColumnOne", 0, 123);
//the result window only shows the first few characters and there is no column separator
waitForUser("press OK to continue");

setOption("ShowRowNumbers", true);
waitForUser("press OK to continue");
//the result window now shows correctly with all characters and column separator

run("Clear Results");
setOption("ShowRowNumbers", false);
setResult("MyColumnOne", 0, 123);
setResult("MyColumnTwo", 0, 456);
//the result window also now shows correctly with all characters and column separator

I am using daily build ImageJ 1.51f with Java 1.6 on Windows 7/64-bit.


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Re: Result window is not displayed properly when there is only one result column

Wayne Rasband-2
> On Aug 13, 2018, at 5:12 AM, Stein Rørvik <[hidden email]> wrote:
> There is a small issue with the result window display.
> The Result window is not displayed properly when there is only one result column.
> The header is truncated and there is no column separator at the right of the column so the column cannot be resized.

This bug is fixed in the latest ImageJ daily build (1.52f21).


> This issue only occurs when row numbers are not shown.
> It also does not occur when there are multiple columns without row numbers.
> Demo macro:
> run("Clear Results");
> setOption("ShowRowNumbers", false);
> setResult("MyColumnOne", 0, 123);
> updateResults;
> selectWindow("Results");
> //the result window only shows the first few characters and there is no column separator
> waitForUser("press OK to continue");
> setOption("ShowRowNumbers", true);
> updateResults;
> waitForUser("press OK to continue");
> //the result window now shows correctly with all characters and column separator
> run("Clear Results");
> setOption("ShowRowNumbers", false);
> setResult("MyColumnOne", 0, 123);
> setResult("MyColumnTwo", 0, 456);
> updateResults;
> //the result window also now shows correctly with all characters and column separator
> I am using daily build ImageJ 1.51f with Java 1.6 on Windows 7/64-bit.
> Stein

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