I had a similar need to manage many tables, each associated with an
image, so I wrote MeasurementTable as a subclass of ResultsTable for
my astronomy packages.
Try out MeasurementTable from the
package available at
which has the simple method
MeasurementTable table = MeasurementTable.getTable(String name);
that returns a subclass of ResultsTable (I added a few other missing
methods like returning double arrays from columns). All you'll need
is the astroj.jar from the Astronomy.zip distribution placed in your
plugins directory to use it in your own plugins. Should have added a
few methods for macro support.....
On 24 Nov 2009, at 11:15, David William Webster wrote:
> All,
> I would like to be able to write programs that would input
> results tables and output new results tables. I can do this
> now as long as the table I input is an open system results
> table. But, the new table doesn't seem to be "inputable"
> by a subsequent Plugin unless I first export it then import
> it back into ImageJ. This is clumsy. Is there anyway to directly
> input an open results table into a plugin if it is not the system
> table?
> David Webster