On Sep 26, 2008, at 11:48 AM, Michael Doube wrote:
> Hi all
> I have results in the range from 10^-9 to 10^6 that I want to display
> in the same Results window.
> If I set decimal places to 4, I get 4 decimal places for everything >
> 10^0 (12.3456), and I get 4 significant figures for everything <=
> 10^-5 (1.234E-5).
> But, for 10^-4 I get only one significant figure which is the 5th
> decimal place (0.00001). So the precision of my results is not the
> same across orders of magnitude.
> Is it possible to just have 'scientific' format applied to the whole
> table for consistent precision, with for example a selection of number
> of significant figures?
The v1.41n daily build adds a "Scientific Notation" option to the
Analyze>Set Measurements dialog box.