> On May 24, 2017, at 11:06 AM, Philippe CARL <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear all (probably Wayne),
> Within the Roi_Manager it is possible to associate a given stack position to
> a ROI.
> Nevertheless, I haven’t found a way to modify the stack position of a given
> ROI saved within the Roi_Manager by means of a macro code.
> I thank you very much in advance for your lights about this issue.
You can set the position of an ROI in the ROI Manager by selecting the ROI, setting the stack position, and updating the ROI. Here is an example:
newImage("Stack", "8-bit label", 300, 200, 1, 10, 1);
makeRectangle(50, 50, 60, 40);
makeRectangle(70, 70, 60, 40);
roiManager("Select", 0);
Stack.setPosition(0, 3, 0)
roiManager("Select", 1);
Stack.setPosition(0, 6, 0)
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