Change the macro so it runs the Measure command when the user lets up
the mouse button. Here is a macro tool that does this.
macro "Measure Line Tool -C00bL1de0L1ee1" {
getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags);
xstart = x; ystart = y;
x2=x; y2=y;
while (true) {
getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags);
if (flags&16==0) {
if (x!=x2 || y!=y2)
makeLine(xstart, ystart, x, y);
x2=x; y2=y;
On Dec 7, 2007, at 3:40 PM, jsmith wrote:
> I'm new to writing Macros, and I'm trying to write one that will run
> Measure
> each time I draw a line. So far I have it so that Measure is running
> continuously while I draw the line, then stops measuring after I stop
> drawing.
> Is there a way I can make Measure only run after the mouse is released?
> Thanks for any advice you can give.
> --
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