Run specific macro from within a macroset

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Run specific macro from within a macroset


I would like to be able to set up a macroset with 3 macros as follows:

1 - will accept user input to then determine whether macro 2 or 3 will run.
2 - Run procedure A
3 - Run procedure B.

Is there a way of having these 3 macros within a single file (macroset).
When initially run macro 1 should be processed and then either macro 2 or 3
dependant upon the results of macro 1.

The runMacro command seems to only be able to look in the IJ macros folder?
I would like this file to reside in the plugins folder so easily delectable
to run. once the macro runs can it call another macro within that same file?



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Re: Run specific macro from within a macroset

Straub, Volko A. (Dr.)
Hi Matt,

You should be able to do what you want with
run("Install...", "install=["+macroPath+"]");
where macroPath is the complete path name to the macro you want to execute.

However, wouldn't it be neater to put all three procedures into a single macro and define procedures A and B as functions that are called depending on the results of the first step of your analysis? It would avoid having to switch between macros.


-----Original Message-----
From: mbolt [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: 15 August 2018 10:55
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Run specific macro from within a macroset


I would like to be able to set up a macroset with 3 macros as follows:

1 - will accept user input to then determine whether macro 2 or 3 will run.
2 - Run procedure A
3 - Run procedure B.

Is there a way of having these 3 macros within a single file (macroset).
When initially run macro 1 should be processed and then either macro 2 or 3 dependant upon the results of macro 1.

The runMacro command seems to only be able to look in the IJ macros folder?
I would like this file to reside in the plugins folder so easily delectable to run. once the macro runs can it call another macro within that same file?



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