Hi Nick,
On Wed, 15 Jan 2014, Nick X. Tsui wrote:
> I simply tried the FIji headless <
http://fiji.sc/wiki/index.php/Headless> ,
> but when I tried* ./Build.sh misc/headless.jar *as the web suggested,
The website suggested doing that *only* if a headless.jar file is required
(e.g. because your Java environment does not allow run-time modification
of Java classes).
Unfortunately, the "./Build.sh misc/headless.jar" fell victim to some
serious restructuring designed to save me time maintaining Fiji, and I did
not have time yet to fix it.
> When I type* fiji --headless HelloWorldMacro.ijm*, nothing happened,
> where inside the HelloWorldMacro.ijm is printf("Hello world!");
As I suggested in my reply to your other mail, you could do one of two
1) fiji --headless --console HelloWorldMacro.ijm
2) fiji --headless HelloWorldMacro.ijm > output.txt
cat output.txt
The reason is the peculiar console handling on Windows: you can write a
program that is either a console program or a GUI program. As most of the
users want the latter (and never, never, ever see the console window at
all), we added some workarounds to output onto the console on demand, or
when a console is already available, but as you experienced, there are
cases when that logic does not work and requires the user to specify
--console explicitly.
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