I'm trying to save a image stack as a TIFF (and put it inside a zip file)
but until now I've been unsuccessful. I tried using both**
ij.plugin.filter.Writer** and **ij.io.FileSaver** **but both are too much
"interactive" for my needs (like popping up messages "file not found" and
the like,which I can't have). So I ended up using some of their code, like
ImageStack images;
ImagePlus[] zimages = { new ImagePlus("images", images) };
// Create the ZIP file
String outFilename = name + ".zip";
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new
// Compress the files
for (int i = 0; i < zimages.length; i++) {
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new
zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(zimages[i].getTitle()));
FileInfo fi = zimages[i].getFileInfo();
if (fi.nImages>1){
ImagePlus imp = zimages[i];
fi.sliceLabels = stack.getSliceLabels();
TiffEncoder te = new TiffEncoder(fi);
// Complete the ZIP file
This basically is the code that was in fact running when I stepped thru the
FileSaver.saveAsTIFF and FileSaver.saveStackAsTIFF.
This kinda of works, but the image is saved inside the ZIP as a single-image
TIFF, only the first image appearing. What am I doing wrong?
Another question is, is the Stack when saved as TIFF, a multi-page TIFF?
Meaning, if other users try to open it with a regular imaging software,
would they be capable to view it as multi-page TIFF?
Thanks in advance.
* Melhores cumprimentos / Beir beannacht / Best regards
*António Manuel dos Santos Mota