Saving a picture with grids

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Saving a picture with grids

Dear ImageJ Experts,

I would like to save images with the grids superimposed (I have used Grid
and Grid overlay plugins for this purpose). Although imagej saves the files
without ant warning for errors, none of my programs and image viewers could
open those files. I would be grateful if you could help me on this subject.

Best Regards,

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Re: Saving a picture with grids

Wayne Rasband
> Dear ImageJ Experts,
> I would like to save images with the grids superimposed (I have used
> Grid
> and Grid overlay plugins for this purpose). Although imagej saves the
> files
> without ant warning for errors, none of my programs and image viewers
> could
> open those files. I would be grateful if you could help me on this
> subject.

One way to save an image with the grid superimposed is to click on the
"Export Image" button in the Cell Counter plugin
( Another way is
to capture the screen by pressing shift-g (Plugins>Utilities>Capture
Screen), selecting the image and cropping by pressing shift-x

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Re: Saving a picture with grids

I know this was not the question, but does anyone know how to save a gridded image in its seperate grid, ie. creating tiles? I want to grid solely my ROI and export all the tiles as seperate tiffs for further analyses..