On 1/26/14, 1:09 PM, sam wrote:
> Hi there,
> Apologies for the basic question but I'm new to ImageJ macros.
> I am trying to write a macro to save all open images with a single prefix,
> followed by a sequential number.
> e.g. Image1, Image2.tif, image3.tif, Image4.tif etc
> I can't get the sequential numbering right. The best I can get is uging
> their unique Image ID, which isn't quite what I want:
> // get image IDs of all open images
> dir = getDirectory("Choose a Directory");
> ids=newArray(nImages);
> for (i=0;i<nImages;i++) {
> selectImage(i+1);
> ids[i]=getImageID;
> // save the images based on their inique ID
> saveAs("Tiff", dir+"sd2"+ids[i]);
> }
How about;
saveAs("Tiff", dir+"sd2"+d2s(i,0));
where i is your loop counter.
If you may have lots of images:
saveAs("Tiff", dir+"sd2"+IJ.pad(d2s(i,0), 3) );
IJ.pad will make sure that your images list in the correct order.
Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel
Ph: 972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051
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