Saving window with modified filename

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Saving window with modified filename

Ernest Heimsath
Hello all,

I am working on a macro and would like to save a selected window with a
modified version of its filename that retains the last xx digits of that
filename. For example...

current filename:

"failed experiment start over_02.nd2 - Image 10 #09"

save to:

"failed experiment start over_02_09.tif

I am stumbling through developing macros for the firs time, so any help
would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Saving window with modified filename

CARL Philippe (LBP)
Dear Ernest,
The following macro code should solve your issue:
        str = "failed experiment start over_02.nd2 - Image 10 #09";
        print(substring(str, 0, 31) + "_" + substring(str, lengthOf(str) - 2, lengthOf(str)) + ".tif");
My best regards,

Le Mercredi 15 Août 2018 20:18 CEST, Ernest Heimsath <[hidden email]> a écrit:

> Hello all,
> I am working on a macro and would like to save a selected window with a
> modified version of its filename that retains the last xx digits of that
> filename. For example...
> current filename:
> "failed experiment start over_02.nd2 - Image 10 #09"
> save to:
> "failed experiment start over_02_09.tif
> I am stumbling through developing macros for the firs time, so any help
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Ernest
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