Scattering Profile (I(q) vs q) from a microscope image

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Scattering Profile (I(q) vs q) from a microscope image

Bhuvnesh Bharti
Dear all,

I am new at using imageJ, so don't know much details about it hence seeking your help.
Actually I am analyzing some microscope images, and I am interested in extracting the scattering profiles of the particles (in the image).
I try to read many of the earlier discussion but being a chemist I don't know much about the physics and maths of how to convert 2D-spatial image to 1D- inverse space image.
I tried to do the FFT of the image and then took the radial profile of the FFT, although it looks like the scattering profile of the spherical particles I am using but I am not sure what is on X and Y axis. Moreover I don't know if this is the exact way of doing it.

I would be highly obliged if some of you can help me out in this.    
