Scientific publish of plugins

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Scientific publish of plugins

Daniel Lélis Baggio
Dear friends,
I have a doubt about how should one proceed when he's trying to scientificly
publish his plugins.
I have seen ( that there has been a conference
for ImageJ but I was wondering what are the best Journals and Congresses for
someone to publish the tools and what is the approach, like, should one
describe the tool itself or applications for it?
Thanks in advance!

Daniel Lélis Baggio
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
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Re: Scientific publish of plugins

Vincenzo Della Mea
> for ImageJ but I was wondering what are the best Journals and  
> Congresses for
> someone to publish the tools and what is the approach, like, should  
> one
> describe the tool itself or applications for it?

In my opinion, the tool by itself (without validation, experiments)  
is not easily accepted in a peer reviewed journal.
So, it is used for a specific trial, just choose a journal in the  
suitable application area.
Anyway, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine has a section on  
software description, and recently a new open access journal is born,  
called Source Code for Biology and Medicine.
