I observed something which is a little bit puzzling when using sub-pixel resolution:
1/ I check "true" for Sub-pixel resolution in Edit>Options>Profile Plot Options
2/ I make a segmented line selection:
3/ I apply "Spline Fit" by checking the Spline Fit check box:
The result is that segment is overall shifted in one direction by about one pixel (on the example "anchor points" are translated toward the left, which does not happen out of sub-pixel mode).
However, if I then uncheck Spline Fit, the resulting segmented line is different from the first selection I made:
4/ If now I interpolate the spline fit with one pixel interval, I again see quite some difference from the original spline, with what seems to be a global selection translation (sometimes one or two pixel distant from the original selection; this appears also without sub-pixel resolution).
In my application this is a little bit annoying, because I look at intensity along curved lines and I need to adjust the selection after splining and after interpolating.
Is all this normal, or shouldn't there be a need to be fixed?
Kind regards,